
Looking for the elegance framed mirrors bring to bathroom vanities? You’ve come to the right place. The Glass Shoppe A Division of Builders Glass of Bonita, Inc. has been providing frames to local and out-of-state clients for years. We know the ins and outs of frames. When you have a beautiful space but a “naked” mirror, the style can become lost by stark edges. A frame is what you need to give your mirror a complete makeover. The Glass Shoppe A Division of Builders Glass of Bonita, Inc. can apply mirror frames in two ways:

  • Add a frame to your existing mirror: If you already have a mirror but want to give it that extra “Wow!” factor, our team can install a frame directly to the mirror thanks to our flat back frames. Did your mirror come with those awful clips? Not to worry! Our frames can be applied and cover them up!
  • New mirror with a frame: If you’re remodeling or redesigning, now is the best time to invest in the mirror you want. Our team fits new mirrors directly into the frame, applying it directly to the wall afterwards for a snug fit.

There are so many frame options to choose from. In fact, there are so many that the selection process can be a little overwhelming. To see our most popular choice and to learn more about frame options for vanity mirrors, check them out here.

We love how frames from Mirrormate transforms your bathroom into an elegant new space. What makes it better is the easy installation!

Is this a DIY project, or do I need to hire a professional?

IMG_2901When we received our first order, our excitement was contagious. I could not wait to get my hands on our frames and assemble them, or try to. I must confess, I did not fully believe Mirrormate’s claim that these were Do-It-Yourself (DIY) projects. I know first hand how difficult installation and application can be so I had my doubts, but I was willing to give it a shot!

When I opened the box I was instantly drawn to the quality. Every corner of the frame was pre-mitered and, boy, did they do a great job with the cuts. Everything fit together perfectly.

Steeling myself and committing to giving DIY a shot, I glances over the instructions. The summary was simple; add glue to each edge before matching the corners together, using little plastic connectors to join them. The instructions said not to use a hammer but I have to confess, I used a hammer.

The plastic corners fit nicely and with a gentle tap of the hammer the two corner pieces went right in. I finished gluing and matching all four corners in about 10 minutes. I couldn’t believe how easy it was! Feeling bold, I tore into the second one, taking only about 4 minutes.
While I initially had doubts, I was convinced. These was an easy, DIY project. But it still had the final test, hanging it. This is where I would recommend hiring a professional. Larger mirrors will be harder to manage and hang properly. That’s where we step in!

If you need help hanging or putting together your mirror, don’t hesitate to give us a call!

Framed Mirrors
Visit our Glass Design Center to experience the variety The Glass Shoppe A Division of Builders Glass of Bonita, Inc. can give your home and mirrors.